Yom Kippur / Keter Elyon
Wednesday, September 23rd, 2009On each Yom Tov, a special light of meheimnusa / faith is shining. On Yom Kippur, it is erech apayim / slow to anger, patient, forgiving, atoning.
In the Yishmiru Daat DVD, Reb Zalman says:
And do you remember at Neilah / the locking of the gates (final section of the Yom Kippur service), instead of having the long Al Chet / enumeration of sins, it says, ata notein yad laposh’im / you extend a hand to transgressors. That sense of, (Psalm 73:22-23), “you have given me a hand.”
Please click here, to hear Reb Zalman sing the melody for this Psalm.